Wednesday, August 8, 2012


Last night was not as smooth as we had hoped for. Kaleb lost his IV and he's a very hard stick. Needless to say after 4 Attempts from the IV team we still did not have an IV which we really need to give medicine through. Luckily we have one of our fav nurses and she was able to get someone from NICU to come down that was good at IV's. Because kaleb was pretty much a pin cushion the only place for an IV was on the forehead. Yea it's weird and not the first time kaleb has had an IV there. Only bad thing is that they can't use any pain meds to insert the needle.

But this morning all was great because he finally got his drain lines out. It's one of those things that you still don't get use too and can't believe how much is in him. He did get some yummy pain meds but still cried through the procedure.

I can't complain about he afternoon either. The boy took a 2 hr nap in my lap! Ohhh how great that was!!!!

We still have some oxygen levels which may cause a more extended time in ICU. But his smiles make everything go away.

1 comment:

  1. I just read all your blogs from the beginning and fell in love with your son! Im a mother of three and i can not imagine what yall are going threw. Yall are so strong and your son. Wow he is a inspiration. I wish nothing but the best for your family. i will keep you in my prayers and would love to heat more about how he is doing.
