Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Post LADDs

Kaleb had a rough afternoon and a semi decent night. It's always tough trying to figure out the right pain and agitation medicine. He had a couple really bad episodes yesterday's but I think we're done with those. (cross your fingers). Not sure if we'll get out of the ICU today but we'll see...

Monday, September 17, 2012

Recovery Begins!

Whew! What a surgery our boy had! His intestines have been re-positioned to avoid future obstruction, a plastibell circumcision performed, G-tube placed, and his appendix was removed! Right now, they are struggling to find the combination of meds to stay ahead of his pain. They've also added a liter of oxygen to assist when he desats as the pain meds begin to wear off. I'd do anything for him to feel more comfortable, but I know we're a couple of days away from that. For now, we're telling him how much we love him, singing to him, and holding onto anything not covered by an IV. Please keep Kaleb in your prayers for a complication-free, pain-controlled recovery...or as close to that as possible!
One day, one hour, one minute at a time,

Procedure Done

Everything is all done and all went great. He's in transition to the ICU. We'll be able to see him shortly!!

LADDs Procedure

It has been awhile since we posted but Kaleb is having general surgery today. This surgery is to fix his mal-rotated intestines. He is also getting a G-tube or G-button. This will allow us to get rid of the yellow tube in his nose. Yea!!!!! He is also getting circumcised.
Sounds like a lot but much less than open heart! We just got an update and he's doing great. He's been under about 15min now. Not quite sure how long this surgery will take. They said about an 1.5 hours. We'll keep you posted.

Kaleb also celebrated his first birthday at the end of August. We've just been enjoying going out to the grocery store and being with him that we have not focused on posting to the blog. Yes pic's and videos will be posted soon.