Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Cath visit

Kaleb's cath procedure went well yesterday. Dr. Nugent enlarged them to 5mm. He had a good night and we all got a little sleep. This afternoon Kaleb did not have the energy to breathe deeply and was unable to release his carbon dioxide properly. Therefore we had to go on a breathing tube and will be in the ICU for much longer than we had anticipated. Looks like we will be here for a couple of weeks instead of a couple of days. Mom and dad are hanging in there but a little shocked at how quickly he turned. This was all due to his heterotaxy. We appreciate the prayers and right now Kaleb is looking great. All of his stats have come back and are moving in the right direction. They will wing him off slowly. Hence the reason we will be here longer. I'll try to post more has things progress.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Cath lab tomorrow

Kaleb is going to the cath lab to have his stents enlarged today, Tuesday. This is the final step before his first heart surgery. This was planned but we were not expecting it to be this soon. We thought it would have been in late December. Scheduling is a large factor for going in today. Doctors are pretty confident that the procedure will go well. We're both nervous, especially because kaleb seems to be prone to having arrhythmia after surgeries which is not a good thing. If all goes to plan we'll only be in the hospital for two days! Please include us in your prayers and we'll keep you all posted. And yes, we were planning on having a good thanksgiving update to the blog... :) wink wink..

Friday, November 18, 2011

Quick Update

I know it has been awhile since we posted to the blog. Not sure why we have not been writing but I can only contribute it to enjoying being home with the little man.

Quick update; Kaleb is now 3.94kg or 8lbs 11oz. His oxygen levels are in the mid to upper 80's. Which means he’s doing fantastic!!!

Don't have too much time to write. I can promise you we'll have a couple of post over thanksgiving when we have a little more time. Ironically I think we're busier at home then we were in the hospital. But I wanted to post a quick update and a couple of pictures.

 We've been mostly steady over the past 3 weeks except for a little feeding issue. Kaleb has some wicked reflux but we're told that is normal with a cardiac baby. Besides, he has a tube in his throat which is just asking for reflux...... in my humble opinion... :)  So we went back on the feeding pump instead of gravity feeds and increased our reflux medications and all seems to be doing well.

The safe at home program is great.  We meet every Monday at Children’s with our Cardiologist and give them our daily report.  Which consist of a feeding schedule, oxygen levels, and weight. Unfortunately, Kaleb has to get blood drawn and x-ray’s too, which is no fun, but he’s a trooper!

That’s our routine at the moment.  We also have so many people to thank and the support that we’ve been receiving has been beyond our expectations.  Again, more on this later as we’ll have more time to write.

So enjoy a couple of pictures of the boy and we both promise to provide updates more regularly.


Look Mom, No Feeding Tube
Off to Childrens
Getting Snuggled After a Bath
Halloween Frog, Went to Childrens That Day as Well.

 Just a swinging in Mama Roo.... Dad was ok with him hangin half way out.... :)

Till next time.....