Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Tuesday update

It's been a couple of days. My last post was written over 2 days so it might have been a little confusing. Really doesn't matter. Kaleb is doing better and we're on a good road to recovery. We're still in the ICU and it doesn't look like we will be leaving for a couple more days. Kaleb still has his drain lines in and on a drug that helps his heart (do detailed to explain). Unroll we're off the drug and lines pulled out we will not be leaving ICU. I hope it's the end of the week if we keep trending in the direction we are right now.

Mom and dad are doing ok. Both of us were pretty tired today. Last night was not peaceful. Tonight looks better. The stress over the weekend is still lingering but more thrilled that kaleb is doing better! However, he has thrown up 5 times today and both mom and I do not want to go down that path again. Hopefully it's just an echo from his body trying to get use to the new flow!

Both of our parents have been a great help this trip. We love and appreciate all that you do for us! Sometimes we don't say it enough while we are here. Last night jenifer and I counted up all of our beads of courage and we have over 800 beads! Looks like we'll it the 1000 mark after this surgery.

Again we can't thank you all enough for the prayers and thoughts during these tough times. I still think to the poster jenifer showed me right after kaleb was born. "you don't know how tough you are until you have to be". It's very true and I'm glad that both jenifer and I have such living families and friends to let us lean on when it seems too tough! As jenifer would say: one second, one minute, one hour...

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