Wednesday, March 21, 2012

We have a plan!

The results are in, Kaleb's first heart surgery will be installing a shunt (which will also fix the pulmonary branch obstruction) and connect the pulmonary veins to the heart (which will fix the pulmonary vein obstruction). No two ventricle repair, at this time.

Once Forbess reviewed the findings of the Cath it was very clear that a two ventricle repair was too risky at this time.

Good news is that Kaleb will be able to grow more before we make a decision on either a single or two ventricle repair. Fixing the obstruction in the veins will also help with the lung issues we're currently having.

Bad news is that we'll have to still be on safe at home program for a much longer time than expected. Being a shunt is high risk for infection. We'll have to have the Ladds done earlier which is not favored by Forbess.
And this may add an additional heart surgery.

It's every emotion you can think of and honestly there was a little lump in my throat. I had high hopes for the 2v repair. But honestly Kaleb needs to be a little bigger and there was just too much to do at one time. Real-estate is a big issue in Kalebs case for the 2v repair. Because his heart is on the opposite side of his body the aorta is in wrong place. Forbess will have to install a conduit "in" the heart (to connect aorta to correct ventricle), which takes up room.

There are so many positives to this when you really think about it. Forbess will do half the work so less time on heart lung bypass. His veins will be fixed allowing better recovery on next surgery. And he will be able to be much bigger to give us that chance of a 2v repair instead of a single ventricle. Biggest downside is the infection risk with the shunt. It's really no different than the stents we have, so quarantine status will remain for another 4-8 months. Yes, it could be that long.

We have a plan and no plan in this situation comes without risks and rewards, but it's nice to know what we are going to be doing. His surgery will
probably be in 3 weeks.......

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