Thursday, September 15, 2011

Weekly update

It’s been awhile since we posted on the blog.  I had to go back to work this week, and making the transition has been a little busy.  Kaleb is doing awesome, and we couldn’t be happier.  I’ll do a daily summary to catch everyone up.

Nothing too exciting happened over the weekend.  Doctors kept slowly limiting the medicine Kaleb was taking and we began feeding again.  He’s pretty content until you change his diaper (the boy does not like a wet diaper) or take his temperature.  Grandparents made their usual visits and we kept to our usual sleeping and pumping.   We did manage to assemble Kaleb’s beads of courage into two necklaces.  I’ve been wearing one each day since Monday to show how courageous Kaleb is.  You can go to the beads of courage website to learn more.

This was a hard day for me.  I went back to work and tried to re-engage.  The Sunnyvale ES project goes out today, (9-15-11) and I wanted to go in and help during the crunch time.  I care about my job and the projects I work on.  It was difficult to have one foot at the hospital and one at the office.  I must say that the people at WRA are outstanding and are definitely a second family to me.  They are a very generous group of people!!!!  My team didn’t let me dive into the project as much as I wanted too, but I still got my hands a little dirty and made a couple of fusses….. :) They did an outstanding job and the project is in excellent shape.  Darden, Tony, Lowell and Hal get a “gold star” (inside joke) for staying late and working out the kinks.  After work, I went home to let Yuki out and then drove to Children’s.  It seems that will be my routine for awhile.  Work during day, and then go to hospital at night.  I’ve been leaving Children’s around 11-12ish and sleeping at the house.  Jenifer wants me to sleep over, but right now I need good sleep to get through the work day.   We’ll see has time progresses.

OUTSTANDING DAY!!!!!   While talking to Jenifer on my way to work, they said that Kaleb’s breathing tube was being removed.   I drove in the parking garage and right back out and spent the whole day with my family!  What a great day to finally see our little boy smile and make the cutest sounds one could ever hear.  Both grandparents made it up for the day and we all had a great time.  More medicine reduced as well.  There was a little tense moment between Monday and Tuesday in regards to some lines being removed and added.  But all came out well.  Can’t think of much to say about the day other than it was perfect and one of the best days we’ve had.  

Went back to work and then made it to Children’s a little later than I wanted.  Brought Jenifer some Taco Cabana for dinner and we both got to hold him.  (Actually Jenifer has been able to hold him every day since the weekend)  I now feel like a new dad.  Trying to figure out everything I can do to calm him down and get him to stop crying. LOVE IT!!!!   Just wish we could hold him and walk around the room.  I’m sure in time. 

Thursday: (today)
During rounds this morning it appears that many of his lines will be removed tomorrow.  Not going into much detail here.  No need, just know that it will be much easier for us to hold him, and hardly any medicine in him.  The other information that we’re waiting on today is the result from the Rhino Virus test.  If it comes back negative, NO MORE GOWN AND MASKS!!!!  He can finally see what our faces look like!  Our daily routine is starting to become a familiar place.  Still will take a while, but we’re on the right track.  Kaleb has gained 8oz and has started feeding therapy.  Hopefully he will be taking a bottle soon.  Mommy’s “grow grow juice” is flowing in the ounces now and is feeling much better.  Most of the water gain from the preeclampsia is gone too.   We’re just trying to settle into a routine until the next surgery.  Not sure when, but hopefully in 3-6months.

That’s the update now.  Got to get back to work but below are a couple pics.  And yes, Jenifer has not read, so feel free to play the grammar and spelling games most play with my letters….. :)

Dad… (that feels great to write!)

Kaleb holding his own passi!  What a stud!!!


Saying hello:


  1. What awesome news! We continue to pray for Kaleb and parents, asking God to strengthen and heal and work miracles! Blessings!
