Friday, September 9, 2011

Good Day and a Little Daily Summary:

I really want to post about living in the CVICU but that will have to be tomorrow.  Currently its 11:30pm and I’m wide awake.  Not sure why because I was very tired this morning.  Jenifer is sleeping on the bed but I’ll have to wake her up at midnight to pump. 
Kaleb had a good day today!!!  The doctors started reducing the medicine that he has been on so recovery is in full swing.  I promised Jenifer that I wouldn’t go into much detail about the medicine’s he’s on, but I will indulge a little.  He’s been on one medicine that has prevented him from moving since his procedure on Tuesday.  They took him off that today and it was nice to have him grasp our hands and open his eyes.  Much needed for mommy and daddy.
Our daily routine consists of pumping throughout the night like any couple with a new born.  It’s just a little different in a CVCICU room.  Around 7:00am surgical rounds begin and we get to listen to what the thoracic surgeons think.  This is typically quick with little input from the parents, but where the overall picture takes place.  Sort of the long turn goals one could say.  About 1-2 hrs later, the cardiologist and intensivist come by and do another round.  This is where we get to have interaction with the cardiologist, intensivits, RN, NP, and fellows.  Typically there are around 5-8 people involved and it’s a teaching atmosphere.  I love it!  The attending (Intensivist) leads and directs the daily goals based on his/her input and those of the fellow, NP, and RN.  The team atmosphere is amazing.  Daily goals are set and we go from there with a possible follow up later in the day.  Day continues as most new born parents, pumping every 2-3 hours, sleeping when we can, and eating.  However, there are many interruptions.  The equipment will beep and the RN is always checking and doing labs. The fellow and attending's check in periodically.  Both our parents will show up and we are only allowed 3 people in the room at one time.  So there’s a little coordination involved.  You blink and it’s been 4 hours.  There are so many things that Jenifer and I have been meaning to do but for some reason, time is not on our side. 
7pm starts the night shift.  This is always a time delay for us…. I think.  Mainly because we eat a little later and when we get back around 7:30-8ish we like to visit with the new RN who has typically re-dressed or made some adjustments to Kaleb.  Its fun, but next thing we know it’s time to take a shower and get ready for bed.   I won’t even begin to discus the shower situation.  I’m thank full that they have community showers (really just and ADA shower in a restroom) for us to use, but architecturally speaking, there were some VE items.  More on that when I get to the living in the CVCICU (cardio vascular credical intensive care unit) post.  After the showers, we typically read the internet and go to bed. 
It’s about 11:50pm now and I could continue writing but I want to post some more pictures of our special boy Kaleb.  So enjoy the following pic’s.   Oh, and if you haven’t figured it out already, Jenifer has not proof read this so I’m sure there are many grammar and spelling errors.   LOL!!!
As I wake Jenifer, Kaleb wakes up as well.  What a precious moment singing to the most beautiful eyes I’ve ever seen!!!  Great moment!

Holding mom's finger

Grandpa and Aunt Jenna helping take x-rays

Mommy taking a nap with our heterotaxy monkey:  (mimi made it special for us)
Cookie bouquet from the Rockbrock Specials Team:  Thanks gals...!!

Rocking floppy froggy hat

Nana and Mimi in the NICU

All of Kaleb's froggy buddies watching over him

Karl sleeping

Small balloon give to us by WRA.  Thanks WRA, or should I say... rooossseee... :)

Sporting another froggy hat....

Thats all for now.  Time to go collect some milk...  whoo oh!

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