Thursday, April 19, 2012

Post surgery update

Kaleb is holding well. So far no arrhythmia issues or pulmonary hypertension issues. He's pretty out of it but wakes up when he hears our voices, so it's quite time in our room! Mom just got a big nap and I stayed awake to listen to nightly rounds. We're both very tired but knew we would be. A lot of the reason why kaleb is doing so well is because the surgery was not that long. Our surgeon had planned on repairing two items. The placement of the stents were better than he thought when he opened up the heart. So he left them and did not install the shut. We did find out that kaleb will not be a candidate for a 2 ventricle repair (4 chamber heart). His anatomy just won't allow it. Still candidate for 1.5 ventricle but we'll talk about that later. The other part of the repair was the veins that come back from the lungs now go into the heart instead of a vein.

Some new news is that we may have our second surgery relatively quickly instead of 4-8 months. Maybe as soon as a month. This surgery we be the Glenn. You can read about it in kalebs heart condition on the upper right of the blog. However, we'll need to go to the cath lab first to remeasure the vein and artery flows and pressures. We'll keep you posted, but this was a new twist in the game plan. All in all today was a great day and so far kaleb as been behaving himself! We've received so many pictures of everyone wearing their shirts. Thank you all for your support. Tomorrow we'll try to post some of the pictures (little difficult on the iPhone).

We thank you all for your prayers and thoughts. It is the reason kaleb is doing so well!! Below is a picture if him post surgery.



  1. So glad to get the update. What a cute little guy he is! I hope the post op days continue to bring healing and repair to little Kaleb.
    Brynn Hodder

  2. Karl, he is beautiful. Chris and I will continue to be praying for 3. Thank you for the updates. Much love to you and your family.
